Results for LA-Pain and LA-BIM are pending. Until results are finalized, you will remain certified with the prior cycle's end date.

Contact Us

We're Here to Help

We hope that our website provides the information you need to determine your Continuing Certification (CC) status, apply for an exam, check physician credentials, or get resources to prepare for an upcoming exam or activity.

If you can't find what you need, try our new, improved search tool by clicking on the magnifying glass in the navigation bar.

If you have a question specific to your situation, need your password reset, or you're having issues with the website please contact us using the form below, or call or email the office.

If you wish to report a potential breach or dissemination of secure examination information, you can use our online form to submit your concerns either confidentially or anonymously.

Phone: (507) 282-1776

3015 Allegro Park Lane SW
Rochester, MN 55902-4139

Contact Form


  • Help

    Having trouble logging into your account?

    Use the password reset tool, or give us a call and we'll help you with your password. If you're having other issues with the site or finding what you need once you've logged in, call or email us with your issue.

  • Submit a Confidential Tip

    At the ABPMR, exam security is at the core of our mission.

    ABPMR exams measure all candidates by the same standard, so no one candidate should have an unfair advantage. There are serious repercussions for cheating, and we take it very seriously.

    If you observe any unethical behavior (including cheating) before, during, or after and exam, please submit a confidential tip.

  • For Credentialers

    Our free physician verification tool is the best way to get up-to-date physician credentials on all of our diplomates, including certification date and expiration for primary and subspecialty certification, as well whether the physician is meeting Continuing Certification (CC) requirements.

    Verbal Verification of Certification Status

    Requests for verbal verification of a physician's status can be made by contacting the ABPMR or the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) at 1-866-ASK-ABMS (275-2267). Requests must include the physician's social security number or date of birth for identification purposes.

    Written Verification of Certification Status

    Requests for written verification of a physician's status must be submitted in writing to the ABPMR, accompanied by a $35 processing fee for each physician and verification letter requested. Requests must include the physician's social security number or date of birth for identification purposes.

    Payment may be made with a personal check or money order. The ABPMR does not accept credit cards. There is a $20 charge for bank-returned checks. All verification letters are sent by first-class mail.

  • Media Inquiries

    Have questions or need more information?

    Our staff and key leaders would be happy to help. Contact us through our main line (507) 282-1776, or by email at