The ABPMR Publications Library

The ABPMR is committed to developing, conducting, and disseminating research associated with evaluation and assessment approaches that promote excellence and encourage continuous learning for PM&R board-certified physicians.

Research projects are focused on three areas: Initial Certification; Continuing Certification; and Subspecialty Certification.

Research Areas:
Initial Certification Research

Part I Practice Analysis Completed

In 2023, a practice analysis was completed to update the Part I Examination content outline. Click for more information about the resulting outline and content weights, including the process for developing the outline.

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Other Research

Early Career PM&R Diplomates: Apply to be an ABMS Visiting Scholar

The ABPMR Foundation has committed to sponsoring an ABMS Scholar for the 2024-2025 academic year. The ABMS Visiting Scholars Program™ supports the research of early-career physicians and research professionals and facilitates leadership development through engagement with ABMS and the broader certification community.

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Subspecialty Certification Research

Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine Practice Analysis Completed

Results Used to Create New Content Outline for 2023 PRM Exam

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Initial Certification Research

Published: Taking Leave During Residency

Click here to read more about the types of absences and subsequent delays and variations in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medical Board Pass Rates.

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Initial Certification Research

Published: Why do Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians Lose Board Certification?

Why Do Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians Lose American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Board Certification? Click to read the research article conducted by a team of ABPMR physiatrists.

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Initial Certification Research

Published: Comparison of State Board Disciplinary Actions in Board-Certified Versus Non-Board-Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians

A research team led by Lawrence R. Robinson, MD, recently had their research article on disciplinary action in board certified versus non-board-certified physicians published ahead of print in the PM&R Journal. Read Dr. Robinson's summary of the research and see the full article here.

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Continuing Certification Research

Published: Occupational Characteristics Associated with Professional Fulfillment and Burnout Among U.S Physiatrists

ABPMR Executive Director, Dr. Carolyn Kinney collaborated with the AAPM, AAP, and researchers at Stanford to identify factors contributing to professional fulfillment and burnout. Click here for a link to the full article and to read a summary.

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Subspecialty Certification Research

Current Status and Trends in Subspecialty Certification in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

A research team led by Sunil Sabharwal, MD, recently had their research article on trends in subspecialty certification published ahead of print in the PM&R Journal. Read Dr. Sabharwal's summary of the research and see the full article here.

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Continuing Certification Research

Provide Your #PMRWellness Perspective!

The ABPMR is proud to partner with the the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (AAPM&R), the Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP), and Stanford Medicine WellMD Center to conduct an important study on burnout in the field of PM&R. Click to read how you can share your feedback to improve physician well-being.

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Initial Certification Research

Do Milestone Ratings Predict Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) Board Certification Examination Scores?

A research team led by Gerard E. Francisco, MD, recently had their research article on milestone ratings and certifying examinations published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Read Dr. Francisco's summary of the research!

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Continuing Certification Research

Published: Influence of Sex and Age on Ratings of Confidence and Relevance in Continuing Certification Longitudinal Assessment - A Pilot Study

Carolyn L. Kinney, MD, recently had her research article on the LAPM&R algorithm design published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Read a summary of Dr. Kinney's research!

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Initial Certification Research

Published: Should There Be A Part II ABPMR Examination?: A Psychometric Inquiry

Do ABPMR’s Part I and Part II Examinations measure different competencies? An ABPMR board director-led research team found out.

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Initial Certification Research

Published: Allopathic (MD) and Osteopathic (DO) Performance on the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Initial Certifying Examinations

How do the exam performances of Allopathic physicians compare to Osteopathic physicians on the ABPMR Part I and Part II Examinations?

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Continuing Certification Research

Published: Evaluation of Longitudinal Assessment for use in Maintenance of Certification

The ABPMR board director–led research team published an article in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation on a quality improvement study that evaluated longitudinal assessment as a replacement for the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Examination. Click here to read a summary, including a link to the full article.

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Continuing Certification Research

Published: Association of participation in the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Maintenance of Certification Program and physician disciplinary actions

Can ABPMR maintenance of certification participation predict which physicians are at risk for future state medical board disciplinary actions?

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Initial Certification Research

Published: Does performance on the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation initial certification examinations predict future physician disciplinary actions?

Can ABPMR Board Certification predict which physicians have higher (or lower) risk for future state medical board disciplinary actions?

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Subspecialty Certification Research

Published: Administration and performance on the Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Certification Examination over a 10-year period

Click to read an abstract for a newly published article from the ABPMR Research Team regarding the Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Certification Examination.

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Initial Certification Research

Published: Is there evidence of gender bias in the oral examination for initial certification by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation?

The ABPMR research team recently published an article in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation on gender bias and the Part II (oral) Examination. Click here for a link to the full article and to read a summary.

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Continuing Certification Research

Published: Burnout in Diplomates of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation–Prevalence and Potential Drivers: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Survey

An ABPMR board director-led research team published an article in the PM&R Journal on the prevalence and possible causes of physician burnout in PM&R. Click here for a link to the full article and to read a summary.

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Continuing Certification Research

Published: ABPMR Research on Predictors of Successful MOC Examination Performance

What are the factors that predict success when taking the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Examination? The article, published in the PM&R Journal, details findings that may help candidates with examination preparation.

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Subspecialty Certification Research

Published: Research on ABPMR PRM Candidate Performance Per Training Pathway

Physicians who hold subspecialty certification in pediatric rehabilitation medicine (PRM) enter the field through various pathways. Performance on the ABPMR PRM Examination was evaluated in order to determine if there were differences between groups of physicians based on their type of training. Read a summary of the findings, then click through to read the article in the PM&R Journal.

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Initial Certification Research

Published: ABPMR Research on Part I Dimensionality

High-stakes examinations, such as the Part I exam, should measure one dimension of a test-taker’s knowledge. Recently, research was conducted by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation regarding the Part I exam and its unidimensionality. The published article details the results of research on the Part I examination.

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Initial Certification Research

Published: ABPMR Research on Pass Rates for Exam Retakes

Findings from the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s Research Committee often benefit candidates on their pathway to board certification. This recently published article details the results of research on candidate performance and test retakes.

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Initial Certification Research

Published: Rates of Candidate Success Correlated with Delays in Taking Exams

Do candidates for board certification wonder whether delaying taking the Part I or Part II Examination benefits their pass/fail rate? This study done by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s Education Committee found compelling results to that question.

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Initial Certification Research

Published: ABPMR Research on Candidate Performance

This recently published study by members of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation's Research Committee looks at the correlation between raw SAE-R scores and scaled scores on the ABPMR Part I Examination.

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