Next Pain Re-Entry Exam
March 25 - March 29, 2025
Eligibility to Take the Pain Re-Entry Examination
Longitudinal Assessment for Pain Medicine (LA-Pain) is a learning platform designed to assess your knowledge, provide immediate feedback, help you identify knowledge gaps, and link to resources to help you learn and improve over time.
The Pain Medicine Re-Entry Examination is intended to be a way to regain certification should your certification expire because of not meeting the LA-Pain Performance Standard.
You are eligible to apply for the Pain Medicine Re-Entry Examination if your Pain Medicine certification is currently expired.
The examination is offered biannually in late winter, and late summer/early fall. Passing the examination counts for your previous five-year continuing certification requirement. If you pass the Re-Entry Examination, your certification will be reinstated, and you will be valid for another five-year cycle.
What to Expect on Exam Day
After applying for the Pain Medicine Re-Entry Examination, it is time to start preparing.
Click the link below for more information on registering for the exam and the logistics of exam day.
Exam Dates & Fees
Application Windows & Fees
January 15 - February 28, 2025
- $1400 Fee
March 1 - March 11, 2025
- $1400 Fee
- $500 Late Fee