
2020 End-of-Year Reminders

This has been quite the year, and it’s already coming to a close with the holidays approaching! Here are some things to keep in mind as the year wraps up.

Completing your certification requirements:

To check your certification requirements for the year, sign in to your account for a quick snapshot of your progress and outstanding requirements, including:

If you need ideas for completing any requirements, please visit those sections on our website for ideas and resources.

Certificate expirations in 2020:

We announced this spring that no ABPMR diplomate will lose certification or experience a status change due to not being able to complete a Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirement this year because of COVID-19. If you have the time this year, we strongly recommend completing any remaining MOC requirements due in 2020, but anything left outstanding at the end of the year will be automatically carried over to next year. Read our commitment to flexibility for MOC.

Enroll in LA-PM&R:

As a reminder, the Longitudinal Assessment for PM&R (LA-PM&R) was implemented in 2020 to replace the now-retired MOC Examination. All diplomates are encouraged to enroll in LA-PM&R in 2021, but how it fits into your requirements depends on when you were last certified. If you're not sure, take a look at the information on our LA-PM&R page, especially the What About Me? tool to view your requirements and options. Enroll in LA-PM&R 2021 by December 31, 2020; enrolling on January 1, 2021 or later will result in a $100 late fee.

How to enroll:
1. Sign in to your account 2. Ensure all past and current annual fees are up-to-date, including 2020 (Need to make a payment? Go to the Online Payment Center) 3. From the Welcome Back dropdown menu, select Assessment Dashboard 4. Select Longitudinal Assessment 5. Scroll down and click the ‘Apply’ button for Longitudinal Assessment for PM&R 2021 6. Complete the steps to enroll

Please reach out to the board office with any questions you have about enrolling in LA-PM&R.

Office holiday hours:

The ABPMR office will be closed for Thanksgiving from November 26-27 and will re-open on November 30. For the holidays, the ABPMR office will be closed from December 24 through January 3. We’ll be back in the office on January 4.

Working on your certification requirements during holiday office closures:

Submitting a CME or a PIP:
While we’re away, you can still complete your requirements and self-report CME, pay annual program fees online, or submit a PIP through the submission platform. You can even complete activities through specialty societies and that data will be sent to us when we return to the office.

Self-reporting activities:
The organizations below share data with the ABPMR which will be logged when we return to the office. You do NOT need to self-report any activities completed through:

  • AAPM&R
  • AAP
  • FluoroSafety

For CME credits granted by any other organization, please self-report these CME credits via your ABPMR account.

Mailing a check or submitting payment while the office is closed:
All payments will be entered into the system when we receive the mail on January 4. Remember, no certification statuses will change at the end of 2020; if you are deferring any requirement to 2021 we will be in touch early next year to explain what you need to do.

Trouble signing in to your ABPMR account:
Try resetting your password using the link available on the sign in page; if you continue to have trouble, resetting your password from your home network (rather than your institution’s) sometimes helps.

If you have more questions:

You may leave us a voicemail or email during the holiday closures. We will get back to you as soon as possible when we return.

We hope you have a safe and healthy holiday season!

Originally Published: November 12, 2020