Resources Helps Patients Find a Board Certified Physician

To help patients find out if a physician they’re considering is board certified, and to educate consumers about the value of board certification, the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has redesigned the website and launched a consumer campaign. The website features a simplified search tool, as well as information about ABPMR and the other specialty boards that certify physicians.

Information gathered from the general public and patients who took part in focus groups and a quantitative survey prior to the launch sparked ABMS to redesign the website to make the information about board certification easier to access. The feedback revealed that patients value board certification and see physicians who are board certified as having higher standards.

“Not all physicians take the additional step of attaining board certification,” said Carolyn Kinney, MD, Executive Director of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. “Becoming certified means a physician has met a higher standard, and patients deserve to know what that standard means.”

The newly launched site features a physician search tool and includes information about each specialty board.

Originally Published: March 04, 2019