Residency/Fellowship News
Special Guidance: Family Leave Policy for Residents and Fellows

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ABPMR announced a new family leave policy for residents and fellow to offer more balance with training and family life; this policy went into effect in July 2021.
The ABPMR is now announcing temporary guidance related to the special leave period described in the ABPMR Absence from Training Policy. This guidance applies to current residents and fellows (trainees).
Special Guidance Related to The ABPMR Absence from Training Policy (5.003)
The intent of the special leave period is to allow trainees an additional four weeks of protected time for personal or family life events. However, because of the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, training programs are being offered more flexibility to use the special leave period over two distinct periods rather than one. This allows more flexibility for trainees impacted by COVID-19 and the possibility of completing training without extending their completion date.
The ABPMR is offering the following temporary guidance for this policy:
At the sole discretion of the trainee’s residency or fellowship Program Director and during the time this special guidance is active, the one-time special leave period of four weeks may occur as one or two defined events within the total period of residency training.
Leave time for the special leave period must be used in a minimum increment of at least one week.
Following the maximum of two special leave periods, any unused additional leave time is forfeited.
This temporary policy guidance is effective from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.