Continuing Certification Research
Published: Occupational Characteristics Associated with Professional Fulfillment and Burnout Among U.S Physiatrists

This study was a collaborative effort by the ABPMR, AAPM&R and AAP, with researchers at Stanford University. It was designed to identify factors contributing to both professional fulfillment as well as burnout in PM&R physicians, and to evaluate variability in the experience of professional fulfillment and burnout in different PM&R subspecialties. The study builds on the findings of the previous ABPMR publication – Sliwa S, Clark G, et al. Burnout in Diplomates of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation–Prevalence and Potential Drivers: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Survey.
Data was gathered using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach, including individual and focus group interviews followed by a national survey.
Overall, 55.2% of physiatrists experienced work exhaustion, 35.5% experienced interpersonal disengagement, and 42.6% experienced overall burnout, and 30.6% reported high levels of professional fulfillment. Age, gender, subspecialty area, years in practice, and work hours were not significant in the multivariable models for either burnout or professional fulfillment. Control over schedule and optimal integration of physiatry into clinical care were rated most favorably by those practicing in subacute care rehabilitation facilities; personal-organizational values alignment was rated most favorably by those in outpatient settings; teamwork and collaboration as well as meaning in work were rated most favorably by those in an acute care hospital or rehabilitation unit.
Control over schedule, optimal integration of physiatry into clinical care, personal-organizational values alignment, teamwork, and meaningfulness of physiatrist clinical work were strong and independent drivers of occupational well-being in U.S. physiatrists. Variation in these domains by practice setting and subspecialty suggests tailored approaches are needed to promote professional fulfillment and reduce burnout among U.S. physiatrists.
You can read the full article here: Occupational Characteristics Associated with Professional Fulfillment and Burnout Among U.S Physiatrists.