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LA-PM&R Feature Spotlight: Review Screen & Question History

The improved LA-PM&R platform launched in August has some powerful new learning tools designed to help diplomates create their own personalized improvement plan. The longer you use the tool, the more information you'll have about your knowledge gaps, which will provide a clear picture over time of where you can aim your CME or quality improvement efforts. This article highlights where to find and use that information within the 'Review' screen on the LA-PM&R platform.

Click to read previous feature spotlight articles on increased assessment content customization and the brand new pacing tool.

From the dashboard, click on the 'Review' button on the left toolbar, which will take you to a summary page showing how many questions you've answered within each content area and your overall and per-category performance:

From this screen, you can click the 'Remaining' number showing in each category to continue answering questions. You can also resume your assessment (answering questions) from this screen based on how you'd prefer to answer:

  • Clicking on the number in the 'Total' row will deliver the questions randomly, or
  • Clicking on the number in the content category rows will take you to that content's questions only.

If you'd like to take a look at your past performance, click on the checkbox for 'Show Question History,' highlighted in red above. That will take you to this screen showing a list of the questions you've answered so far this year: This screen shows you the date you answered each question, whether each was correct or incorrect, and any alerts on questions (these may appear for various reasons). If you click on the alert, it will let you know its meaning:

As your question history accumulates over the year, you may wish to sort your question history to find learning opportunities; you can do that by clicking on the 'Areas' dropdown above:

Finally, to review individual rationales (which are in themselves learning opportunities) and references for individual questions, click the 'Detail' button in the right column. The platform won't show the question or answer choices again (you may get a reattempt in a future quarter!), but you can read the Key Point, Rationale, and review the Reference(s).

We hope our diplomates find these tools helpful as we put more of these settings in your control. After all, it is your certification—we're just providing the tools to help you improve over time to meet your requirements.

LA-PM&R 2021 Enrollment Now Open

Want to experience these tools for yourself? Don't forget to enroll in LA-PM&R for 2021! Even if you're a current participant, diplomates need to re-enroll every year. There is no additional cost to participate and LA-PM&R may be part of your continuing certification requirements. Read more and make a plan to enroll today.

Questions? Reach out to the board office; we're always happy to help.

Originally Published: October 28, 2020