Residency/Fellowship News
ABPMR Guidance for COVID-19 Effects on Residency Training

As national response to the COVID-19 crisis continues, the ABPMR recognizes that PM&R Residency Program Directors have been grappling with institutional restrictions, lack of elective procedures, furloughs and more related to the PM&R residency training programs they lead. As much as they’ve tried to limit its effects on their residents, the upheaval to PM&R practice and training as we know it is undeniable.
In addition to the additional time off guidance released early, the ABPMR reached out to program directors today with updates to the ABPMR approach to residency training adjustments necessitated by the pandemic.
In these accommodations and amending of the usual rules for residency training, the ABPMR is relying on the discretion of PM&R Residency Program Directors. Within guidelines, the ABPMR is deferring to ACGME guidance and program director discretion regarding the competence of their residents, including readiness for independent practice at the conclusion of training.
Program directors and coordinators, please check your email or sign into the Program Director Portal for more detailed guidance on time away from training, procedure count requirements, and more. As always, please reach out to the ABPMR with questions or concerns.