Research Article(s) tagged #examinations

Primary Certification

Part I Examination: Displaced Candidate FAQ

Here are some questions we’ve been hearing from candidates who were displaced unexpectedly last week. If you’re interested in understanding more context behind how things played out, please read on.

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Primary Certification

Virtual Part II Examination Infographic

Trying to keep all the details of the upcoming virtual (remote) Part II Examination straight in your mind? You're not alone! Here's an infographic with all the most important details.

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Primary Certification

What We Know: ABPMR Computer-Based Testing in 2020

The ABPMR has many upcoming computer-based examinations through the end of 2020, and we are working closely with Pearson VUE to understand their current procedures and limitations in place due to COVID-19. Here is the latest.

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Primary Certification

Context and Considerations for 2020 ABPMR Computer-Based Examinations

Amidst the news about ABPMR examinations and deadlines in the context of COVID-19, it's not always apparent how many factors are being considered during the conversations. This article is intended to give a window into some of the context behind the decisions so far.

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Looking Forward to 2020: A New Era in Certification

We've almost arrived: Longitudinal Assessment for PM&R (LA-PM&R) launches next month. Now, we look back on all our preparations and reflect on what this major MOC Program change means for the future of board certification.

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