The Evolution of Time-Limited Certification: What Continuing Certification Really Means
Part of the plan to implement longitudinal assessment for PM&R (LA-PM&R) starting next year is a change to the 10-year certification time limits that have been in effect since 1993. Understandably, this part of the transition to LA has caused some concern and questions — but what does the end of 10-year certification really mean, and how different is the new program from today’s requirements? Read on to find out.
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ABPMR CertLink Pilot Successful
Following the acceleration of its longitudinal assessment pilot, the ABPMR is announcing today that according to its outcome measures, the pilot was a success. Read more about the pilot results, including performance on the MOC Examination, evidence of learning, and user satisfaction.
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Longitudinal Assessment Pilot User Satisfaction Results Are In
ABPMR CertLink Pilot Participants have spoken: Overwhelmingly, they say longitudinal assessment is a valuable learning tool, helping them identify knowledge gaps and adding value to their board certification.. Read the story for the full results.
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