Results for LA-Pain and LA-BIM are pending. Until results are finalized, you will remain certified with the prior cycle's end date.

Your Partner in Professionalism

Professionalism and Professional Standing

It's fitting that the first listed component of the ABPMR Continuing Certification (CC) Program is professionalism–because as a board, we believe that participating in all parts of CC is a key indicator of demonstrating professionalism and commitment to excellence throughout a career.

To that end, the ABPMR is continually finding innovative ways to support you in your pursuit of professionalism. By providing the CC Program as a framework, then pointing you to resources to demonstrate competence, quality, knowledge, and skills, the ABPMR is your partner in professionalism.

For more information about Professional Standing, please download and read the ABPMR Policy on Licensure.

How to Demonstrate Professionalism

Evidence of Professionalism and Professional Standing

There are two ways to demonstrate professionalism for the purposes of the ABPMR CC Program and both are required for maintaining your certification.

  • 1.

    Medical License Every ABPMR diplomate is required to maintain a current, valid, and unrestricted license to practice medicine in every state or jurisdiction where that medicine is practiced.
  • 2.

    Adherence to ABPMR's definition of professionalism Because the ABPMR believes that demonstrating professionalism goes beyond maintaining a medical license, we expect that every diplomate conducts him or herself according to the guidelines set forth in the official definition of professionalism.

    Read the ABPMR Definition of Professionalism