It's Time: Enroll in Longitudinal Assessment for PM&R 2020!

The wait is over.
After the success of our longitudinal assessment pilot and announcement of our plans to implement Longitudinal Assessment in PM&R (LA-PM&R) in 2020, our preparations have led us to this next step: Enrollment for LA-PM&R 2020 is now open!
How to enroll
- Log in to your account
- Ensure all past and current annual fees are up-to-date, including 2019* (Need to make a payment? Go to the Online Payment Center)
- From the Welcome Back dropdown menu, select Assessment Dashboard
- Select Longitudinal Assessment
- Click the ‘Apply’ button for Longitudinal Assessment for PM&R
- Complete the steps to enroll
*There is no additional fee for LA-PM&R; all annual fees must be paid to enroll. Any physician not currently paying an annual fee will be assessed a $200 fee to participate.
Who should enroll
Everyone! LA-PM&R is open to all ABPMR diplomates, but how it fits into your MOC requirements depends on your current certificate's end date.
If you're not sure where you're at, take a look at the information on our LA-PM&R page, especially the What About Me? tool to view your requirements and options, including reviewing our scoring information, participation requirements, and definition of “meaningful participation.”
Why to enroll
Even if you have an optional year coming up in 2020, we encourage all diplomates to enroll for these benefits:
- You’ll earn 3 Self-Assessment (SA-CME) credits per quarter of full participation (answering all questions), which helps fulfill your MOC Part II requirement
- You’ll gain valuable experience and get comfortable with the platform
- You'll take advantage of a research-backed learning tool to improve your knowledge
- There is no additional fee to participate in LA-PM&R
When to enroll
Now! The enrollment window is now officially open.
On-time window: Enroll by January 15, 2020 to be in the "on time" group.
Late window: If you enroll from January 16, 2020 - March 15, 2020, you'll be assessed a $100 late fee.
Each fall, we'll open enrollment for the following year of LA-PM&R; diplomates will re-enroll every year.
As always, just contact our MOC experts at the ABPMR office. We're here to help you understand your requirements and help you with enrollment.