
New MOC Exam Outline + Bonus Study Tips

While CertLink planning is underway, we wanted to continue making improvements to our current secure MOC Examination. The latest in those efforts is a more detailed MOC Examination outline. It's available to download now, and includes a brief guide for use and bonus study tips.

"The new outline was created in direct response to our diplomates," says Shelly Walker, ABPMR Maintenance of Certification Program Manager. "A more detailed outline to help diplomates prepare for the MOC Examination was the number one request on the ABPMR MOC Survey."

While the old outline had just 16 general categories such as "Physiatric Therapeutics" and "Nerve & Muscle Disorders," the new outline has nearly 50 individual categories. Further, the categories are split into multiple question domains, such as Patient Evaluation and Diagnosis, Patient Management, and Applied Sciences.

"Much of the data were already there to create the more detailed outline, but our MOC Examination Committee did have to work to identify the key concepts for a physiatrist 10 or more years into his or her career," says Karen Kilpatrick, ABPMR Examinations Manager. "The new outline gives diplomates much more guidance for studying, but also allows the committee some flexibility when putting together each year's exam."

Originally Published: April 30, 2016