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News Article(s) tagged #covid-19

Residency/Fellowship News

UPDATE: ABPMR Statement on Impacts of COVID-19 and Time Off During Residency/Fellowship Training

Last March, the ABPMR released a statement relating to time away for residents and subspecialty fellows due to COVID-19. The statement has been updated and clarified for residency training in 2021.

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Primary Certification

Virtual Part II Examination: Candidate Safety & Security

As boards have moved their examinations to remote or online processes, some have encountered new challenges to candidate safety and security. Read more about how the ABPMR process for virtual Part II keeps candidate information secure.

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Primary Certification

ABPMR COVID-19 Updates

This article will be updated regularly with the latest COVID-19-related news and announcements from the ABPMR.

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Primary Certification

Part I Examination: Displaced Candidate FAQ

Here are some questions we’ve been hearing from candidates who were displaced unexpectedly last week. If you’re interested in understanding more context behind how things played out, please read on.

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Primary Certification

2020 Part I Examination Seat Displacements

Yesterday, the ABPMR team took swift action after hearing from Pearson VUE about Part I Examination candidates' seats being slated for displacement in August.

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Primary Certification

2020 Part II Examination Format & Administration Changes

Today, the ABPMR is pleased to announce changes to the format and administration of the Part II Examination—in addition to the transition to a virtual format and the updated Domain A administration already announced.

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Primary Certification

Announcing: Virtual Part II Examination Dates for 2020

You've waited patiently while ABPMR staff worked through the careful process of ensuring adequate numbers of examiners for multiple examination dates this fall. Today, we're pleased to announce three exam dates this fall.

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Primary Certification

Virtual Part II Examination FAQ

For the first time in our history, the ABPMR will be administering a virtual Part II Examination for our candidates. Since the May announcement, we have heard some common questions about exam dates and the schedule, how this will affect subspecialty exams, and general logistics — read on for answers.

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Primary Certification

Virtual Part II Examination Infographic

Trying to keep all the details of the upcoming virtual (remote) Part II Examination straight in your mind? You're not alone! Here's an infographic with all the most important details.

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Primary Certification

ABPMR Moves Part II Examination To Virtual Administrations This Fall

Due to ongoing uncertainty about the course of COVID-19 this fall, the ABPMR has canceled the in-person 2020 Part II Examination; we are pleased to announce that virtual Part II Examination administrations will be offered this fall.

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