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Seven Years Later: Re-Administering the MOC Survey

We’d like to take you back to 2014 for a moment: Anti-MOC (maintenance of certification) sentiment was building, online forums were starting to boil over, and diplomates in all specialties were voicing increasing concerns about the state of MOC requirements. Like other ABMS boards, the ABPMR was trying to meet American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) mandates but struggling to create a program that was relevant to everyday physiatrists’ practices.

Enter: the 2014 ABPMR MOC Survey.

The landmark survey was sent to all ABPMR diplomates to measure sentiment and gather feedback on how to improve the MOC Program. More than 1,000 diplomate responses about relevance, meaning, and burden guided board conversations and influenced the important changes we’ve made to certification requirements in the past several years:

To increase relevance, the ABPMR:

To decrease burden, the ABPMR:

  • Combined two areas of the CC Program by offering self-assessment CME (SA-CME) credit for each quarter of full participation in LA-PM&R
  • Designed and launched a new Certification Dashboard with enhanced features to guide you through certification cycle requirements with ease, as well as give you tools to take your certification requirements into your own hands

The culmination of these changes was the transition to the Continuing Certification (CC) Program using longitudinal assessment for PM&R (LA-PM&R) in 2021—which is why today, we are re-administering the MOC (now CC) Program Survey to all ABPMR diplomates participating in the CC Program.

Once again, we need your ideas and constructive feedback on the CC program so we can continue to improve the program and create tools that have real value to you in your practice. Once again, your responses will be kept anonymous, and the aggregate data will have an impact on future board discussions and decisions.

The survey is 25 questions long and should only take 5 to 7 minutes to complete. If you are actively participating in the ABPMR CC Program, please check your email for the survey link today. (Check your 'other' or 'junk' folders if you don't see it.) Thank you for participating and sharing your voice with the ABPMR board of directors!

Originally Published: August 26, 2021