Primary Certification
ABPMR Part II Podcast

Episode 1: Why Part II?
Listen here or watch episode 1 below.
Episode 1 resources:
- Part II Examination outline
- ABPMR Part II Examination page (provides an overview of the domains and administration of the exam, FAQs, and more exam details)
- More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 2: Domains Overview
Listen here or watch episode 2 below.
Episode 2 resources:
Part II website page shows each domain and questions addressed in each
Practice vignette videos demonstrate how the exam will flow with mock vignettes and discussions after each
Domain A-E roleplay videos- watch each domain play out in a complete vignette
Mock oral exam video shows a role-play of the examination with a discussion and evaluation after each domain
More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 3: Domain A Deep Dive
Listen here or watch episode 3 below.
Episode 3 resources:
- Part II Examination outline
- ABPMR Part II Examination page (gives the components and details of Domain A)
- 2021 Part II webinar with Dr. Christopher Garrison that addresses questions about Domain A
- Domain A FAQ video with Dr. Garrison
- Domain A roleplay video with Dr. Carolyn Kinney and Dr. James McDeavitt
- More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 4: Ask an Examiner: Study Advice
Listen here or watch episode 4 below.
Episode 4 resources:
Vignette example video 1 and vignette 2. You can use these videos as a study tool to practice what you might say in each vignette, then hear what elements examiners will be looking for.
More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 5: Ask an Examiner: Role of Examiner
Listen here or watch episode 5 below.
Episode 5 resources:
- Part II Examination outline
- More examiner advice videos
- Mock oral exam video shows how examiners move candidates through an exam and what candidates might hear from their examiner
- More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 6: Exam Misconceptions
Listen here or watch episode 6 below. This episode discusses the following misconceptions/facts:
- "The Board is out to get me with trick questions and cases that are unrelated to what I practice."
The Board is focused on assessing general PM&R knowledge with the exam. Questions are aimed at covering the scope of PM&R to bring together all your training and knowledge.
- "I should only list 1-2 diagnoses in the differential diagnosis."
There is no specific number of differential diagnoses to list. A good diagnosis is a balance between what the most common and urgent considerations are, and explaining your thought process is more important than listing a specific number.
- "The exam does not mimic a real-world practice."
This is true to an extent— examiners do not see you in your real practice interacting with your real patients. However, the exam is carefully designed to still see and understand your process of care. Examiners want to see how you receive and process information then arrive at a management plan, similarly to how you would in your real practice.
- "My examiner didn't give me feedback and doesn't want me to succeed."
Examiners are on your side and working to help you do your best. They are trained to not give verbal or nonverbal feedback in order to make the exam a fair process for all candidates. How your examiner acts is not conducive to how you are performing.
Episode 6 resources:
Candidate FAQ video with Dr. Garrison, covering more common candidate concerns about the exam
More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 7: Scoring Process
Listen here or watch episode 7 below.
Episode 7 resources:
Scoring Q+A video with Dr. Raddatz for more answers to scoring questions
More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 8: Setting Up For the Remote Exam
Listen here or watch episode 8 below.
Episode 8 resources:
Remote exam reminders, including how to minimize distractions and prepare your space
More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 9: Ask an Examiner: Anything!
Listen here or watch episode 9 below.
Questions addressed:
What can candidates write for notes during the exam?
Am I allowed to look down at my notes?
Will I see the cases on my screen?
What should I do if I get a diagnosis wrong?
Can I ask my examiner to repeat the stem?
What happens if I lose connection during the exam? How will my examiner adjust my time?
How does my examiner prepare for the exam?
What happens if I need to take a moment to collect my thoughts, or if I pause during the exam?
Why is only one examiner talking during an exam session? What is the other examiner doing?
Why did my examiner interrupt me?
Episode 9 resources:
Have other questions? Watch our Q+A video with Dr. McLaughlin from the 2021 exam administration.
More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.
Episode 10: Exam Day
Listen here or watch episode 10 below.
Episode 10 resources:
Check-in video that shows a demonstration of the entire check-in process
Other exam day reminders, including removing distractions and preparing your space
Visit the Part II Exam Day page to see more information about what to expect before, during, and after exam day.
More Part II resources including webinars, exam and vignette roleplays, advice from examiners, FAQs, and other helpful videos and articles.